Friday, March 14, 2014

a day in the life of a touring hardcore-punk band

A day in the life of a touring hardcore-punk band begins usually with confusion. Sleeping every night in a different flat can cause disorientation in the first minutes of wakefullness. After having realized where they are, the band asks for a cup of coffee and depending on the environment for a hot shower. After everyone had a coffee and the hangover subsided, the band gets in the van and types in the address where it is supposed to play that evening. What follows is a long-distance drive to another city or even another country. Playing board-games or listening to music helps the band to kill boredom but after four, five days on tour, nothing seems to help. So the hours spent in the van are usually the longest. First thing the band asks for after having arrived at the destination is a short sightseeing-tour. After hours spent in the van the band really enjoys stretching their legs and having a walk in an unknown city. If they are particularly lucky they have even the opportunity to see the ocean and spend some time watching the waves clashing with the shore.
Happy and refreshed from the walk it is time to see the place where they will play in the evening. Then the band gets served excellent vegan dinner and free beer. This part of the day is the best because except breakfast they haven't eaten anything for the whole day. When enough people turned up, the promoter asks the band to get ready to play.
Excitement grows as the people gather around the stage and the band can't wait to shock the audience with their 15 minutes of angry, noisy "music". Those 15 minutes per day are the reason why the band exists and in that short time they try to give their best. After the show they enjoy the company of totally unknown people and in some cases these small-talks are the beginning of a long lasting friendship. At the end of the day the sleeping bags get rolled out and the band tries to sleep as much and as fast as possible, as the following day will again be long and eventful. 

[367 words]

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