Saturday, April 20, 2013

The new pioneer: New Zealand

The 17th April of 2013 was a great day for New Zealand. They joined the ranks of the more developed countries and legalized same sex marriage. It’s just a small step, but nowadays we have to be happy if that step goes forward and not backwards. Since it is still a big issue and in many countries even a taboo, I’m happy that New Zealand got to be a striking example of human progress. 

After I made some research I found out that more than 50 percent of the Americans support same sex marriage. Still it is banned in 38 states of the 50. 9 states legalized it and so gave a new meaning to the word marriage and made it open for everyone. 6 states allow civil unions between couples, but not marriage. Let’s hope this will change soon, and that the other more conservative states open their eyes and stop holding back progress.

What's your opionion on this? Do you think it is profane to allow same sex marriage? If yes why?

Here is a video of the great moment:


  1. Great for New Zealand! If only it could be an example...

    As for my country, France is one of the 6 states that allow civil unions, isn't it ? Anyway, in France we presently can't hear of anything else but gay marriage. This week, gay marriage opponents were demonstrating in the street, they were more than a million people! 4 of them (skinheads) even got in a gay bar and kicked some (gay) ass.
    Pretty shameful in the "country of Human Rights"...

  2. The 6 states part refers to the USA. I could have written it better, less confusing.

    It's a big issue and I read a post before that was about the situation in France. Your country has serious problems too. This makes me realize that Hungary is not the only country that is (again) going through hard times. It is shameful that people can't accept something that is different and claim that it is "unnatural". They don't see that their ignorance and hate towards other people is making this world such a problematic place.

  3. Actually, the bill was adopted in France in the last weeks, but "anti-gay-marriage" are still demonstrating on the streets...

    When I first saw this video in the summer holidays I had to cry, honestly. This is one of the most touching music videos / songs I know. (I can also recommend the whole album "The Heist" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – great artists, great music)

    Yesterday I was shown the greatest respect by a person I love. I didn't expect the situation to turn out like this (not at all) and it's very hard to find the right words that describe the feelings involved – it would be too many. It was sad in the end, but well.

    In my eyes tolerance is a very important thing and a gift for those who already face fear. You can't choose who you fall in love with and love doesn't care much about gender or sex.

    1. Sorry that it always takes me so long to answer your comments but my gmail is categorizing my mails and the only thing I have from it is a big mess.

      I have to agree with you. I never experienced any kind of discrimination concerning my sex so it would be imprudent to think I know what kind of feeling it is, but what I know is that homosexuality always existed. What's more in the roman empire it was considered as normal. I don't know the reason why it is such a big issue who you love. Maybe it was the reign of Christianity that made it a taboo. Don't get me wrong I don't want to blame anyone’s religions. The problem is that if people don't understand something, they reject it and don't accept it.

      I wholeheartedly agree with you. You can't choose who you love. It's pure chemistry and does not involve gender.
