Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Crossroads: labor pains of a new worldview

The other day I got to see a movie called crossroads-labor pains of a new worldview. It's a movie about the current world and the tiny little creatures called Humans. I'm fascinated by the world and its complexity. Just think of the many worldviews the people create and the realities they construct themselves. Everyone sees the world different (or should I say "sees a different world"?).But we all accustom to the society. We all differ from each other still we somehow have effect on each other, whether we accept it or not. Often without even realizing we imitate people we admire, taking off their gestures and laughing like them, especially when we are children. We learn to live in a Society. We are creatures that need relations. It is explained in the movie: We are all part of one "system" that is interconnected. We develop simultaneously, at least to some extent.

Let's take Smartphone for example. 3 years ago I never would have guessed that a Smartphone will be an essential accessory for life. I know it isn't an essential accessory, but still many of us use it on a daily base. It is easier to manage your messages and your appointments, but we could manage our appointments without a Smartphone. We just created a need for it. 
This is just one example of many that make our life easier and should spare us some time, yet I don't really feel that I would have more free-time. It doesn't really matter how much free-time we have. Life seems to get faster day by day. My parents always complain how hasty a day is now, even though they have lots of equipments that should make life more convenient and complete. Actually, we just rush through life to then, at the end, realize that we had not lived yet, just worked. There is a phrase in Hungarian (I don't know whether there is an English equivalent for it) that says: You have as much time as much you take yourself. 

I kind of drifted off the topic, but I think this is strongly related to it. It made me think what needs to happen to change the world. Now it is hanging on a thin thread. More and more revelations and confrontations arise against the economic system. The current world in the situation it is now, benefits only a small group of leaders. I know it was always like this. The only difference was that back then they called the authority the king. With this word you were allowed to exploit everyone.

 It sounds promising that we are going to evolve and get better, like a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. I know it's just a theory, but I won't be the one who prevents it from happening. Anyway, watch the movie. It's one hour long and made me think for 3 days.
Take care, 

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