Thursday, May 15, 2014

How to prevent a time-traveling assassinator from killing Hitler

Instructional text

How to prevent a time-traveling assassinator from killing Hitler

what you will need:

- a time-machine
- good negotiation skills
- a gun
- a mega-doses of methamphetamine

Step one:
Acquire a time-machine as the one in the picture below and read the instruction manual carefully.
Step two:
Do some test travels to make sure you know how it works.

Step three:
If you are willing to kill a person that wants to kill another person: buy a gun at the local gun shop and  travel to the time the assassinator was planning his attempt. If the time is right, shoot him in the head with the gun. Mission accomplished.
If you want to prevent the assassinator from killing Hitler without the cost of a human life than you need a more elaborate plan.

Step four:  
Travel to the time when the assassinator was planning his attempt against Hitler and spy on him until you know all the details of his plan.

Step five:
Make up a fake identity and try to convince the assassinator that he should not attempt to kill Hitler. Tell him that you are from the alternative future in which he succeeded in killing Hitler and that the consequences that his early death brought about are very severe.

Step six:
If the assassinator believes you than the mission is accomplished and you can travel back to your time.

If he does not believe you, then set your time machine for the date when Hitler was still alive,  three days before the planned assassination.

Step seven:
Tell Hitler everything about the planned assassination and advise him to go into hide.

In case he does not believe you, you might want to reconsider simply killing the assassinator as suggested in step two.

Step eight:
Escort Hitler to the Eagle’s Nest and make sure no one knows about it. This is necessary because later there will be no historic records about his whereabouts at that time.
Step eight:
Put a mega-doses of methamphetamine in Hitler’s orange juice and travel back to your own time. Hitler will go insane because of the mega-doses of methamphetamine and he will make decisions that will later cause his fall.

[351 words]

how to prevent a time-traveling assassinator to kill Hitler.jpg

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