Saturday, January 11, 2014

My system for improving my vocabulary

I'm a bit late with this post but better late than never. As we run out of time it is better to get it out of the way now, as I assume that I won't have time for it later.

I don't have to say how important it is to collect and improve vocabulary in the process of learning a language. It helps to express yourself better and colors the language. Isn't it a beautiful feeling when you use a word in a conversation for the first time without having to think about it for 2 minutes?

Here is my system for improving my vocabulary:

The most convenient way of studying vocabulary is It adapts to your level and helps you to study words systematically. Normally I do 3 tests per day but since we have to improve our pronunciation I rather do spelling bee as it helps me with the pronunciation and on the right hand side it provides short definition of the word. Here is a picture of my process so far:

As those short definition aren't always enough to really understand a word, I search for a better definition in longman dictionary online and look how the word is used and what forms it can occur. In order to remember the word I write it down in my notebook. I've heard that writing down a word helps remembering it because the word gets processed by your brain while you write it down. Here is a picture of my notebook:

Although writing it down helps you to remember the word better, revising the words and creating example sentences is still very important. So I make sure to revise them regularly, especially before an exam.

I also love flashcards, though I didn't use them too much throughout the semester. Originally I use it for words which I stumble over accidentally and are worth remembering, but  at the beginning of the semester I decided to use them to write down words and definition related to finance and economics. I thought it's going to help me with Henry's class. In the beginning it did but unfortunately the semester was too demanding and I simply didn't find the time to do it regularly. I know...silly excuse :D.

Take care,

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