Monday, October 28, 2013

Student life for an African in Europe

Throughout history of Africa, many of its presidents went to Europe to study. Nowadays also many young African students from the middle or upper class come here for educational reasons. According to a recent report, 77 per cent of all African students who study abroad choose European universities. But why is Europe so popular? Although the curriculum does not differ very much, one of the most significant differences is the quality of the education. Another reason for studying in Europe is the fact that European universities put more emphasis on practice. Thus students are able to use the here acquired knowledge to contribute to the improvement of the situation in their home countries.

Before fulfilling their dream of studying at a European university, students coming from Africa have to face serious requirements. First of all, they need to acquire a passport, a student's visa and a health and travel insurance, which can lead to difficulties as the bureaucratic system in most African countries is not as modern and efficient as it is supposed to be. In some cases they even have to bribe someone in order to get these documents. Another criterion is to have a certain amount of money on their bank account, which requires a strong financial background. This is a big problem, since generally not many families can afford to send their children to study abroad or to study at all.

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