Monday, December 9, 2013

Academic Paper Project

My topic for the Academic Paper is EU standardized playgrounds. In the paper I will compare EU standardized playgrounds with the "old-school" playgrounds which had not standards and regulations, at least not as specific ones like the EU has. By comparing these two types of playground I will introduce the regulations. For example, what kinds of shock absorbing surface playgrounds have to use or how high a slope can be. Or what angle does the ladder has to have in order to be EU compatible. Furthermore I will provide some statistics on how these regulations prevented injuries. 

The problems I have are mainly small ones and I hope to find a solution to them soon. One problem I have is that I don't have access to the really valuable sources. I tried it in the library but the library has no subscription to these journals. So I will have to stick with what I have.  Another problem is really just a matter of time and devoted attention. When I chose this topic I thought it’s going to be easy to narrow it down because it’s already specific enough. I was surprised when I started to discover the many possible aspects of my topic. I could write about the legal departments and institutions that are responsible for the playgrounds and so on and so forth. I start to feel settled with my topic and my structure but I still need some more details, because it’s the first time I do something like this and I’m not totally confident about the structure.

(It’s about dental injuries that children suffer on playgrounds.)
(Overall about the regulations)
(this is one of the many I don’t have access to but the introduction has useful terms that I could use)
(what are regulations and what are standards/ explains the role of standards in the EU)

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